Before ordering just any heavy-duty bags, there are several things to consider. Not only will the right bags protect the product inside, they also represent your brand. To maintain a good relationship with customers, it is essential that you choose the appropriate bags.
For one thing, you need to decide between custom and stock heavy duty bags. With custom heavy-duty bags, PolyPak America provides you with a specialized solution based on your exact needs. Therefore, if you need to ship bulky or extra-heavy products and highlight your brand through custom printing you may need to order a customized product.
Another consideration is how you are shipping your product and what distance. Again, for extra-heavy products, especially those shipped quite a distance resulting in multiple people handling the bags, you need something strong and durable. In this case, custom poly bags for shipping are an excellent choice. Customized bags that are capable of getting the product to the customer regardless of the location should be high on your list of priorities.
One thing to remember is that not all heavy-duty bags manufacturers are the same. While they may offer customers similar products, there are typically significant differences in the materials used and the manufacturing process. For that reason, you need to identify the one company that can create the type of bags that you want and need. PolyPak America has 45 years of experience and can help you make the right bag choice.
For example, if you ship gravel or asphalt, then you need a sturdy bag that will not rip or tear. However, you may also want bags with color or special printing to help them stand out. As a result, everyone who sees your product will recognize your company name and brand. Ultimately, the right custom poly bags for shipping will serve as a marketing tool that has a direct impact on the success of your business.
For stock and custom bags, you can choose from 0.5 to 2.0 cubic feet. When comparing the two choices, stock and custom, the primary difference is that customized bags are made specifically for your company, whereas stock bags are generic. Custom bags for decorative rocks, salt and ice melt, asphalt, and other products feature colors and lettering that coordinate with your brand.
Contact Us:
PolyPak America
2939 East Washington Boulevard
Los Angeles, California
Zip Code: 90023
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